Work your way through the guidelines established on this page, and you’ll set up your entire WordPress website—not just Focus—for peak performance!
Configuring WordPress for Success
Set up basic properties and choose which type of site you want to run
Install Thesis, install Focus, and then enter your license keys
General Site Settings
Sitewide settings apply regardless of your design; set them once and forget ’em!
Although the following items are optional, I use each one on every site I set up:
Presentation and Branding
Choose your preferred content presentation mode and incorporate your branding
- Content Presentation Mode ← must watch!
- Logo (optional)
- Header Image (optional)
- Favicon (recommended)
Great news! You’re getting close to the point where it makes sense to play around with fonts and colors—you know, the fun parts of the customization process!
But before you can do that, you need to address Customization Part 1 and Plugin Integrations.
Remember—you can only customize effectively when the key elements of your website are already in place!
Design Customization Part 1: Element Display
Use the Content & Display Options to tweak what displays in your templates
Plugin Integrations
Make sure Plugin functionality is working before customizing your design
Most WordPress Plugins should “just work” on your website. However, if you’re using a Plugin that requires code-level integration, you may be able to use the following items in Focus to achieve what you need:
- HTML Head Editor ← must watch!
- Footer Scripts
Design Customization Part 2: Styles
Use the Design Options to customize fonts, colors, and more!
First, get acquainted with the Focus Design System by learning how to set up your base options and then deploy them in your design:
Next, watch these videos for specific examples of how to use the Focus Design Options like a pro!
And if you really want to become an unstoppable customizer, you’ll find the following document quite helpful:
How to Create Rich and Engaging Content with Focus
You’ve learned how to design your site; now learn how to design your content with built-in Focus features
Attention! While Focus works with both the Gutenberg and Classic WordPress Editors, I use the Classic Editor in the demo videos below. See why:
- How to Create Rich Pages with Focus Content Style Classes
- How to Use the Focus Full-width Layout Bleed
- How I Built the Focus Product Page on DIYthemes
- Learn the Simple Techniques and Focus Features Jeff Sanders Used to Make His Site Fast, Clear, and Effective
Hungry for more? Head back to the Focus Docs or come say hi over in the DIYthemes forums.