I’ve been selling WordPress Themes longer than anyone else on the planet (literally), and I’ve seen this complaint more times than I can count:
“How do I get my site to look like the #!@% demo?!?”
For normal people, this might be the most annoying issue in the history of WordPress.
And it makes sense. You purchase a fancy new WordPress Theme after seeing a demo you like, only to end up majorly disappointed when you discover there’s no way in hell your site is ever going to look like that.
Why Do Theme Companies Lie to You?
Theme Company [x] didn’t bother telling you it took them hours upon hours of professional customizations—code, options, you name it—to get the demo to look the way it does.
Of course, if they’d have told you that, you probably wouldn’t have bought the Theme in the first place!
Instead, you just end up disappointed with your WordPress Theme, its limitations, and the fact you blew money on something that just isn’t going to work for your needs. Ugh.
I hate this mismatch between what you see, what you want, and what you ultimately end up with—it just feels dishonest. (And beyond that, who wants to be disappointed? It’s no way to live. Heck, I want you to be thrilled!)
Ok, sure, but how can I get my site to look like the demo?
Starting right now, we’re gonna change this. I am on a mission to delight you with Focus.
I want you to see a desirable outcome like the Focus product page, and then I want you to achieve a similar outcome on your own site using the simple tools you already have.
How are we gonna do this?
I’m gonna walk you through the details and show you [1] precisely what I did and [2] how you can do it, too, using nothing more than basic Focus features.
You won’t need a mountain of custom code. You won’t need fancy Plugins (that will only slow down your site anyway).
All you need is Focus.
Check out this in-depth video of how I made the Focus product page, and you’ll see what it looks like when a Theme is built for normal people who want to create amazing—and fast—pages!
This video is smartly served with the YouTube Box.
Warning: You will want to use the techniques illustrated in the video immediately. Great pages are irresistible—you’ve been warned!