If you have a Gmail account, the reset password email may end up in your spam folder if you have not explicitly whitelisted emails from diythemes.com.
Also, we have noticed deliverability problems with some addresses from the following email providers:
- yahoo.com
- yahoo.co.uk
- hotmail.com
- hotmail.com.tr
- aol.com
And we have noticed isolated problems with email addresses from these providers:
- rogers.com
- frontier.com
- web.de
- gmx.de
Finally, we have noticed problems with certain domain-based email addresses.
Bottom line? If you have an email address with deliverability problems, you won’t receive the reset password email.
If you are unable to reset your password, email diythemes.chris@gmail.com, include your DIYthemes username and email address, and I will help you verify your account with a new email address.