Late last night, the brand-new DIYthemes web design (and pricing structure) went live.
And I may be biased, but I think it looks AMAZING.
You can now see all of the benefits of Thesis 2.0 (and how they help you).
Before I walk you through all of the changes, and answer your questions, take a look at this quick screenshot:
Introducing the Brand-New Web Design
(this is only part of the DIYthemes home page. I suggest you load up DIYthemes in your browser and see everything)
How cool is this new design?
You’ll see why skins, boxes, and packages are the FUTURE of designing WordPress themes.
You’ll also see all the “behind the scenes” stuff that Chris Pearson implemented to make Thesis 2.0 as SEO friendly as possible.
Now Your Questions About Thesis 2.0 Answered
As with all big changes, people have questions. And today I’d like to answer some of them.
So let’s dig in.
“You changed your pricing. How does this affect people who already bought the Personal Option or the Developer’s option?”
If you’re a new Thesis 2.0 customer, you have nothing to worry about. You’re all set.
If you’re an older Thesis customer, we’ve got good news. Everything we promised people who owned the Personal Option and Developer’s option will remain in effect. This new pricing structure is for new customers only.
Behind the scenes…
Personal option account holders: Your account level still exists. We just no longer offer it for sale. That means you’ll get everything we originally promised you when you invested in Thesis 1.8x. So no worries.
Developer’s option account holders: You will be automatically grandfathered into the new Professional option. You’ll also get to take advantage of the new bonuses when they’re ready.
“How can I upgrade my existing Thesis design to take advantage of Thesis 2.0?”
Right now, if you have advanced customizations, we recommend that you don’t upgrade to Thesis 2.0… yet.
Thesis 2.0 is a brand-new operating system, and things don’t work as you’re accustomed to. Chris rebuilt the interface, and while it’s different, you’ll find that when you play around with it you’ll have a BLAST.
That’s why we recommend you play around with Thesis 2.0 on a test site that way you can see how the interface works in a low-stress environment.
And then, all of a sudden, you can have little “AHA!” moments just like this:

Will it take some getting used to? Yep, but once you do, that’s when the magic happens as you can see :-D.
“Will you create Thesis 2.0 documentation? How do we use the new software?”
As you’ll notice we have limited documentation on the new software.
We committed to releasing Thesis on October 1st, 2012, and we wanted to keep that promise.
That left us on a time crunch to create documentation, but rest assured we’re working on creating that around the clock.
And we hope to have much more live by the end of the week.
So keep your eyes peeled!
Additionally, if you’re looking for “specific” tutorials on how to use Thesis 2, feel free to leave a comment to let us know what you’d like to learn how to do. We’ll use your comments as a way to prioritize what tutorials get written first.
And of course, if you have any questions about your Thesis 2 install, feel free to contact our support team by popping into our DIYthemes customer forums.