Using Multimedia Box Options

This document is deprecated! The information on this page refers to a Thesis version that is now obsolete. Please visit the Thesis Docs for current documentation.

Sitewide Options ∞

To configure the Multimedia Box Options for your site, go to Design Options and expand the “Default Settings” section under Multimedia Box. There are four choices available in the dropdown selector:

  • Do not show box
  • Rotating images
  • Embed a video
  • Custom code

Do Not Show Box ∞

This option disables the Multimedia Box sitewide; however, you can still enable it on the Post or Page level.

Rotating Images ∞

This is the default option for the Multimedia Box when Thesis is initially installed; it causes a different image to display in the Multimedia Box each time the page is refreshed or reloaded in the browser.

There are five sample images already included in the rotator folder for demonstration purposes. To replace the sample images with your own images, upload these to the rotator folder using FTP. For optimal results, your images should:

  • fit into one of the designated aspect ratios
  • use one of the following file extensions: .jpg .jpeg .png or .gif
  • have file names which do not contain spaces or other illegal characters; and which use all lowercase letters (this includes the file extension)

Once you’ve uploaded your images, return to the Design Options subpanel, and click the SAVE button, to allow Thesis to correctly detect the presence of the new images you’ve added.

Then, look for the “Define Image Alt Tags and Links” section beneath the dropdown selector (if Rotating images is not currently selected, choose it from the dropdown selector to enable the additional section). You should see an input field for alt text, one for each of the images you’ve added to the rotator folder.

At this point, you can enter your desired alt tag text for each image; and if you click [+] add link, you can also specify a URL to which the image will link whenever it is displayed in the rotator.

Embed Video ∞

This option provides you with a field in which you can enter the code necessary to display a video in the Multimedia Box. (You may need to change the width and height attributes of the video in order to make it fit perfectly inside your Multimedia Box.)

Note: You cannot simply enter the URL to a particular video in this box; you must include specific code which allows the video to run in a browser. See How to Add YouTube Videos to the Thesis Theme Multimedia Box for an example of such code.

Custom Code ∞

This option provides you with a field in which you can enter custom code of your choice; this could be plain text, HTML for a single image, even six 125Γ—125 ads.

You can either enter your desired code directly into the Custom multimedia box code field; or you can use a custom function plus thesis_hook_multimedia_box in custom_functions.php.

Note: As part of security enhancements in Thesis 1.8, Javascript is no longer permitted in the Custom multimedia box code field. If you wish to use Javascript in the Multimedia Box, you will need to utilize custom_functions.php instead.

In Post and In Page Options ∞

Thesis allows you override the Default (i.e., Sitewide) Settings for the Multimedia Box for each Post and Page you create, via the “Multimedia Box Options” section on the Edit Post and Edit Page subpanels.

Multimedia Box Image ∞

This field allows you to display a custom image in the Multimedia Box for a particular post or page, by specifying its URL. For optimal results, your images should follow the same guidelines as noted above for Rotating Images.

Multimedia Box Video ∞

This field allows you to display a custom video for a particular post or page, by specifying the necessary embed code. (You may need to change the width and height attributes of the video in order to make it fit perfectly inside your Multimedia Box.)

Custom Multimedia Box Code ∞

As with the options above, you can display custom code in the Multimedia Box for a particular post or page by entering it in this field.

Note that Javascript code entered into this field will not work – this is a security feature of Thesis. So, if you wish to use Javascript in the Multimedia Box on the per-post level, you would utilize the Multimedia Box Hook in custom_functions.php to do so (see next section).

Access the Multimedia Box Hook ∞

This option enables access to thesis_hook_multimedia_box, whenever Custom code is not selected as the Default Setting.

If, however, Custom code is selected as the Default Setting, then there is no need to use this option on the Post or Page level – the hook is already enabled by default, and so it will automatically be accessible to you via custom_functions.php. (Alternatively, you can also enter your custom content directly into the Custom Multimedia Box Code field above.)