How to Add Custom Tracking Strings to ShareASale Affiliate Links

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If you’ve signed up for the DIY themes affiliate program, your ShareASale account offers you the ability to add custom tracking strings to your affiliate links via the afftrack= parameter.

For example, your default affiliate link might look like this (where XXXX represents your Affiliate ID number):

Determine the tracking string you wish to add to the link – it must be alphanumeric; can not contain any spaces or special characters; and cannot exceed the 255 character limit.

Then, use the afftrack= parameter to include this tracking string in your link. For example, if your tracking string is “123ABC”, then your new link would look like this:

(If the afftrack= parameter is already be in your link, be sure to use or change the existing one, rather than adding an an additional one.)

This special tracking variable will be echoed back to you in your ShareASale Activity Details Report (

Reference: ShareASale Help Topic: Using Affiliate Defined Tracking at (login required to view)