Move Plugin CSS Box

One of the most annoying aspects of customizing a WordPress site that has a bunch of Plugins is dealing with the CSS cascade. This problem is even worse when you’re working with a Plugin that includes cumbersome and verbose CSS declarations.

The Move Plugin CSS Box takes all Plugin CSS (properly registered through wp_enqueue_style) and moves it immediately above your current Skin stylesheet.

This makes it so you can copy the CSS declarations from your Plugins—verbatim—and then overwrite them with your own styles.

To illustrate, here’s some example CSS from the Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) Plugin:

#edd_checkout_cart .edd_checkout_cart_item_title {
    [standard EDD styles]

And here’s the Custom CSS you’d need to override the core EDD styles:

#edd_checkout_cart .edd_checkout_cart_item_title {
    [your Custom CSS]

This greatly reduces the CSS headaches associated with extensive customizations!

Quickest Setup of All Time

Download the free Move Plugin CSS Box from your My Account page.

Next, simply install and activate this Box, and it’ll work automatically.

Is that it? That’s it!