Google Fonts

Google Fonts can be added to any Skin by way of the $functionality property and the fonts_google parameter:

public $functionality = array(
	'fonts_google' => true

After activating Google Fonts in your Skin, Google Fonts will appear with a (G) next to them in font <select> dropdowns in the Design Options.

Obviously: All official Thesis Skins from DIYthemes come equipped with Google Fonts functionality.

How to Add Google Fonts to Thesis

By default, Thesis includes all Google Fonts that come in 400, 400 italic, and 700 weights (see the full list below).

If you’d like to add other Google Fonts to Thesis, you can do so via the thesis_google_fonts array filter, which accepts items in a special format.

In the following example, I’ll illustrate how you can add Google Fonts to any Thesis site with a simple custom filter method:

add_filter('thesis_google_fonts', 'add_google_fonts');

function add_google_fonts($fonts) {
	$fonts['Dosis'] = array(
		'styles' => '400,700',
		'type' => 'sans-serif',
		'x' => false,
		'mu' => false);
	return $fonts;

In the code above, Dosis is the name of the Google Font being added. In order for this font to work properly, you must use the precise name Google uses to refer to its fonts.

Now let’s look at the parameters:

  • styles โ€” whatever styles you want to include should be comma-separated here
    • To indicate an italic style, you would use: 400i
  • type โ€” (optional) serif, sans-serif, or monospace
  • x โ€” (optional) if you know this font’s x-height ratio, include it here
  • mu โ€” (optional) if you know the character constant for this font, include it here

Pro tip: You can omit any parameters set to false. For example, there’s no need to include the x or mu parameters in the sample code above.

Default Google Fonts in Thesis

The following Google Fonts all contain 400, 400i, and 700 styles, which are the minimum styles necessary to render typical website content:

  1. Alegreya
  2. Alegreya SC
  3. Alegreya Sans
  4. Alegreya Sans SC
  5. Aleo
  6. Almendra
  7. Amaranth
  8. Amiri
  9. Anonymous Pro
  10. Archivo
  11. Archivo Narrow
  12. Arimo
  13. Arsenal
  14. Arvo
  15. Asap
  16. Asap Condensed
  17. Averia Libre
  18. Averia Sans Libre
  19. Averia Serif Libre
  20. B612
  21. B612 Mono
  22. Bai Jamjuree
  23. Balsamiq Sans
  24. Barlow
  25. Barlow Semi Condensed
  26. Be Vietnam
  27. Bellota
  28. Bellota Text
  29. Bitter
  30. Cabin
  31. Caladea
  32. Cambay
  33. Cantarell
  34. Cardo
  35. Caudex
  36. Chakra Petch
  37. Chivo
  38. Comic Neue
  39. Cormorant
  40. Cormorant Garamond
  41. Cormorant Infant
  42. Courier Prime
  43. Cousine
  44. Crimson Pro
  45. Crimson Text
  46. Cuprum
  47. DM Sans
  48. Droid Serif
  49. EB Garamond
  50. Economica
  51. Exo
  52. Exo 2
  53. Expletus Sans
  54. Fahkwang
  55. Faustina
  56. Fira Sans
  57. Fira Sans Condensed
  58. Fira Sans Extra Condensed
  59. Gelasio
  60. Gentium Basic
  61. Gentium Book Basic
  62. Grenze
  63. Gudea
  64. Ibarra Real Nova
  65. Inria Sans
  66. Inria Serif
  67. Istok Web
  68. Josefin Sans
  69. Josefin Slab
  70. Jost
  71. Judson
  72. K2D
  73. Kanit
  74. Karla
  75. Kodchasan
  76. KoHo
  77. Krub
  78. Kulim Park
  79. Lato
  80. Lekton
  81. Libre Baskerville
  82. Libre Caslon Text
  83. Libre Franklin
  84. Literata
  85. Livvic
  86. Lobster Two
  87. Lora
  88. Mali
  89. Manuale
  90. Marvel
  91. Merriweather
  92. Merriweather Sans
  93. Montserrat
  94. Montserrat Alternates
  95. Muli
  96. Neuton
  97. Niramit
  98. Nobile
  99. Noticia Text
  100. Noto Sans
  101. Noto Serif
  102. Nunito
  103. Nunito Sans
  104. Old Standard TT
  105. Open Sans
  106. Overlock
  107. Overpass
  108. Philosopher
  109. Playfair Display
  110. Playfair Display SC
  111. Poppins
  112. Prompt
  113. Proza Libre
  114. PT Sans
  115. PT Serif
  116. Public Sans
  117. Puritan
  118. Quantico
  119. Quattrocento Sans
  120. Raleway
  121. Rambla
  122. Red Hat Display
  123. Red Hat Text
  124. Roboto
  125. Roboto Condensed
  126. Roboto Mono
  127. Roboto Slab
  128. Rosario
  129. Rubik
  130. Sansita
  131. Sarabun
  132. Scada
  133. Share
  134. Source Code Pro
  135. Source Sans Pro
  136. Space Mono
  137. Spectral
  138. Spectral SC
  139. Taviraj
  140. Thasadith
  141. Tinos
  142. Titillium Web
  143. Tomorrow
  144. Trirong
  145. Trochut
  146. Ubuntu
  147. Ubuntu Mono
  148. Unna
  149. Volkhov
  150. Vollkorn
  151. Zilla Slab