How to Set Up Footer Scripts with Thesis

From time to time, third-party applications or Plugins may require you to place scripts in your website footer. These are typically snippets of JavaScript code that may provide eye-tracking, click-tracking, custom analytics, affiliation or advertising codes, or a variety of other services to help you analyze your site.

You oughta know: Footer Scripts are output in the “footer”—directly before the closing </body> tag on every page of your site.

Most documentation within the WordPress ecosystem refers to this type of script as a “Footer script,” so that’s how this item is labeled within the Thesis interface.

To use Footer Scripts in Thesis, simply copy the code snippet from the provider, and then paste it into the Footer Scripts area in the Thesis Admin interface (Thesis AdminSiteFooter Scripts).

The Footer Scripts area is for all tracking scripts except Google Analytics, which has a special Thesis integration.

For a quick guide on setting up Footer Scripts, check out the video below: