This document is deprecated! The information on this page refers to a Thesis version that is now obsolete. Please visit the Thesis Docs for current documentation.
Place this code in custom_functions.php
function cat_nav() { ?> <ul id="cat_tabs" class="menu"> <?php wp_list_categories('title_li='); ?> </ul> <?php } add_action('thesis_hook_after_header','cat_nav');
Position Category Nav Menu to Right Instead of Left ∞
Use the same code in custom_functions.php
as above, but modify wp_list_categories
to reverse the sort order:
<?php wp_list_categories('title_li=&order=DESC'); ?>
Then, place this code in custom.css
ul#cat_tabs li { float: right; }
Based on original code from Kristarella.
Related Resources:
- Thesis theme – How to add another menu by Larry at Empty Cabin Media